How to browse remote Neo4j database? Is there any REST client? -

neo4j server has own browser. allows browse local database. need browse remote database. remote neo4j database provides rest api. know url, login , password. how can browse database via neo4j server browser or other means?

usually, if rest api exposed, browser ui too. assuming rest endpoint https://user:pass@somehost:7474/db/data/, opening https://user:pass@somehost:7474/ open browser ui. can accessed remotely local computer.

in fact, @ graphenedb host remote instances our users , how access browser.

if reason (don't know why), can't use built-in browser remotely, there other options:

if cli tool enough can use py2neo. comes cli tool called cypher able run queries against remote server secured http basic authentication.

if looking @ visual tools explore remote dataset there multiple options:


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