unity3d - Programming a 2d enemy in c# -

i have been working on enemies in game, feel code clunky , not seem work. put code player script , enemy script. player script follows:

edit: sorry not being clear enough, here lines of code not work , want them do:

 void ontriggerenter2d (collider2d other)     {         if (other.gameobject.tag == "enemy")      {         destroy (this.gameobject);     }     } 

what want in code when player encounters enemy or object "enemy" tag, touching object destroy or kill player object.

void ontriggerenter2d (collider2d other) {     if (other.gameobject.tag == "killable")     {         debug.log ("entering killzone!");         destroy (other.gameobject);         instantiate (deadstar, transform.position, quaternion.identity);         this.gameobject.setactive (false);         }     } } 

this code loosely copied previous game, has bits of it's killzone , made destroy player object when touches object contains script. (the player tagged "killable")

hope edit helps, im little tired , forgot specify things, sorry that.

using unityengine; using system.collections;  public class playercontroller : monobehaviour  {        public float jumpspeed;     public float scale;     public string jumpkey;     public string leftkey;     public string rightkey;     public float speed;     public gameobject player;     public rigidbody2d rb;      void ontriggerenter2d (collider2d other)     {         if (other.gameobject.tag == "enemy")      {         destroy (this.gameobject);     }     }      void start()     {         getcomponent<rigidbody2d>().freezerotation = true;       /*getcomponent<rigidbody>().angularvelocity = vector3.zero;*/     rb = getcomponent (typeof(rigidbody2d)) rigidbody2d; } void fixedupdate ()  {     vector3 hold = rb.velocity;     hold.x = 0;     if (input.getkey (leftkey))     {         hold.x -= speed;     }     if (input.getkey (rightkey))      {         hold.x += speed;     }     if (input.getkeydown (keycode.space))     {         hold.y = jumpspeed;      }      rb.velocity = hold; } 


the enemy script follows:

using unityengine; using system.collections;  public class enemykillzone : monobehaviour { public gameobject deadstar; public gameobject player;   void ontriggerenter2d (collider2d other) {     if (other.gameobject.tag == "killable")     {         debug.log ("entering killzone!");         destroy (other.gameobject);         instantiate (deadstar, transform.position, quaternion.identity);         this.gameobject.setactive (false);         }     } } 


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