404 while using Spring cloud FeignClients -
this setup:
first service(flightintegrationapplication) invoke second service(baggageserviceapplication) using feignclients api , eureka.
project on github: https://github.com/idanfridman/bootnetflixexample
first service:
@springbootapplication @enablecircuitbreaker @enablediscoveryclient @componentscan("com.bootnetflix") public class flightintegrationapplication { public static void main(string[] args) { new springapplicationbuilder(flightintegrationapplication.class).run(args); } }
in 1 of controllers:
@requestmapping("/flights/baggage/list/{id}") public string getbaggagelistbyflightid(@pathvariable("id") string id) { return flightintegrationservice.getbaggagelistbyid(id); }
public string getbaggagelistbyid(string id) { uri uri = registryservice.getserviceurl("baggage-service", "http://localhost:8081/baggage-service"); string url = uri.tostring() + "/baggage/list/" + id; log.info("getbaggagelist url: {}", url); responseentity<string> resultstr = resttemplate.getforentity(url, string.class); log.info("getproduct http-status: {}", resultstr.getstatuscode()); log.info("getproduct body: {}", resultstr.getbody()); return resultstr.getbody(); }
@named public class registryservice { private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(registryservice.class); @autowired loadbalancerclient loadbalancer; public uri getserviceurl(string serviceid, string fallbackuri) { uri uri; try { serviceinstance instance = loadbalancer.choose(serviceid); uri = instance.geturi(); log.debug("resolved serviceid '{}' url '{}'.", serviceid, uri); } catch (runtimeexception e) { // eureka not available, use fallback uri = uri.create(fallbackuri); log.error("failed resolve serviceid '{}'. fallback url '{}'.", serviceid, uri); } return uri; } }
and second service (baggage-service):
@configuration @componentscan("com.bootnetflix") @enableautoconfiguration @enableeurekaclient @enablefeignclients public class baggageserviceapplication { public static void main(string[] args) { new springapplicationbuilder(baggageserviceapplication.class).run(args); } }
@feignclient("baggage-service") public interface baggageservice { @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get, value = "/baggage/list/{flight_id}") list<string> getbaggagelistbyflightid(@pathvariable("flight_id") string flightid); }
@named public class baggageserviceimpl implements baggageservice{ .... @override public list<string> getbaggagelistbyflightid(string flightid) { return arrays.aslist("2,3,4"); } }
when invoking rest controller of flight integration service get:
2015-07-22 17:25:40.682 info 11308 --- [ xnio-2 task-3] c.b.f.service.flightintegrationservice : getbaggagelist url: http://x230-ext_idanf:62007/baggage/list/4 2015-07-22 17:25:43.953 error 11308 --- [ xnio-2 task-3] io.undertow.request : ut005023: exception handling request /flights/baggage/list/4 org.springframework.web.util.nestedservletexception: request processing failed; nested exception org.springframework.web.client.httpclienterrorexception: 404 not found @ org.springframework.web.servlet.frameworkservlet.processrequest(frameworkservlet.java:978)
any idea ?
thanks, ray.
your code looks backwards me.
the feign client baggage service should declared in flight service , baggage service should have controller responds on url map in baggage service client, should not implement interface annotated @feignclient
the setup have not have controller listening on /baggage/list/{flightid} in baggage service , no feign client in flight service - whole point of feign call methods on interface instead of manually handling urls, spring cloud takes care of auto-instantiating interface implementation , use eureka discovery.
try (or modify fits real world app):
flight service:
@component public class flightintegrationservice { @autowired baggageservice baggageservice; public string getbaggagelistbyid(string id) { return baggageservice.getbaggagelistbyflightid(id); } }
@feignclient("baggage-service") public interface baggageservice { @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get, value = "/baggage/list/{flight_id}") list<string> getbaggagelistbyflightid(@pathvariable("flight_id") string flightid); }
baggage service:
@restcontroller public class baggagecontroller { @requestmapping("/baggage/list/{flightid}") public list<string> getbaggagelistbyflightid(@pathvariable string flightid) { return arrays.aslist("2,3,4"); } }
remove baggageservice.java , baggageserviceimpl.java baggage service
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