c++ - Updating a variable from a file in loop -

  • sorry grammar\spelling. i'm romanian.
  • i using code::blocks edit in c++ , notepad edit in batch.

i can't find better title this.

i'm trying use program:

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include "windows.h" #include <string> #include "g:\other.h" using namespace std; char message[500],from[20]; int interm; int main() {     ofstream wait1("errorlevel.f"); wait1<<0; wait1.close();     fstream wait2("errorlevel.f",ios::in); wait2>>interm;     cout<<"another window waiting you...";     system("start options_load-new.bat");     while (interm==0) { wait2>>interm; sleep(10); }     st();     //and program continues... } 

where st(); function declared in other.h as

void st() {     system("cls"); } 

and options_load-new.bat file this:

@echo off echo want do? echo [l] load pre-made message echo [n] make new 1 choice /c ln echo %errorlevel% > errorlevel.f exit 

but -

when run program, opens, starts .bat file, file sets errorlevel.f 1 or 2, , closes. after that, main program remains another windws waiting you... without action.

what should make main program continue operations?


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