android - Error when installing Amazon FireOS platform to Phonegap application -

i've created phonegap app , trying add amazon fireos platform list.

sudo phonegap platform add amazon-fireos 

as per these instructions, copied avw_interface.jar ~/.cordova/lib/commonlibs.

running above command returns:

error: android_home not set , "android" command not in path. must fulfill @ least 1 of these conditions. 

however, both set.

echo $android_home -> ~/android/sdk

echo $path -> contains ~/android/sdk/tools android resides.

has had similar problem?

android installs properly, not fireos.
however, running phonegap build android gives me same error.

as aside, when using phonegap sencha touch, build android , run on kindle, perhaps same work here. maybe don't need fireos platform.

edit 2:
app/www/res/screen directory contains following directories:

  • android
  • bada
  • bada-wac
  • blackberry
  • ios
  • tizen
  • webos
  • windows-phone

i believe these created when created app. however, there's no amazon-fireos here. seems odd.

my questions:

  1. why android install not fire os
  2. why android not build (i suppose same reason fire os doesn't install?)
  3. should use android instead of fireos? fireos optimized kindle fire?

how annoying.
had run sudo -e env "path=$path" phonegap platform add amazon-fireos --save

resolved issue android well.


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