Expand All Folders using fuel ux treeview -

i´m using fuelux treeview display list , want expand folders or nodes when page load.

i´m using fuelux.tree.min.js.

below code load treeview:

       $('#trvmembers').ace_tree({            datasource: treedatasource,            loadinghtml: '<div class="tree-loading"><i class="ace-icon fa fa-refresh fa-spin blue"></i></div>',            'open-icon': 'ace-icon tree-minus',            'close-icon': 'ace-icon tree-plus',            'selectable': true,            'selected-icon': null,            'unselected-icon': null         }); 

the questions is: there parameter or function expand folders when load page?

you can call $().tree('discloseall');on fuel ux tree , open visible nodes, don't know ace admin trees. see following documentation.


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