gridview - Long response time for loading a grid view from a table in oracle database -
i working on web application using .net 4.5 framework. populating grid view table in oracle database. table huge 73,000 records , each 5 columns. response time loading of table around 4 mins.i populating of connected architecture method of want way reduce response time.
the code retrieving
public datatable retrievemanufacturerdetails() { try { opendbconnection(); objdatatable = new datatable(); objtrans = objcon.begintransaction(); objcommand = new oraclecommand("sp_get_manufacturer_details", objcon); objcommand.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; objcommand.parameters.add("cmanufacturer", oracletype.cursor).direction = parameterdirection.output; objcommand.transaction = objtrans; objdataadapter.selectcommand = objcommand; objdataadapter.fill(objdatatable); objtrans.commit(); return objdatatable; } catch (exception ex) { objtrans.rollback(); throw ex; } { objcommand.dispose(); objcon.close(); } }
the stored procedure:
create or replace procedure sp_get_manufacturer_details(cmanufacturer out sys_refcursor ) begin open cmanufacturer select manufacture_code "manufcode", manufacture_name "manufname", vendor_account_group "ktokk", city "city", post_code "postcode" material_manufacture_info ; end sp_get_manufacturer_details;
i suspect problem delay in adding 73k rows data grid view, not in database retrieval.
with many results need implement virtual mode grid view. means loads results can see.
check link simple implementation.
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