How to understand javascript error debugging message -

i have used 1 function in application through error message.

this have done identify error line number , file location.

that fine work confused line numbers because has 2 value each.

please have on 1 of same error message:

error     @ object.core.initalert (http://localhost/demo/core.js:205:22)     @ http://localhost/demo/app.js:26:10     @ _setimmediate (http://localhost/demo/async.js:182:20)     @ http://localhost/demo/async.js:234:13     @ http://localhost/demo/async.js:113:13     @ _arrayeach (http://localhost/demo/async.js:85:13)     @ _foreachof (http://localhost/demo/async.js:112:9)     @ _each (http://localhost/demo/async.js:77:13)     @ object.async.foreachof.async.eachof (http://localhost/demo/async.js:233:9)     @ object.async.foreach.async.each (http://localhost/demo/async.js:210:22) 

you can see @ last of line there 2 line numbers , confused here 1 line number function statement. first 1 or second.

for ex. in first line:

at object.core.initalert (http://localhost/demo/core.js:205:22)

205 , 22 there

do know it....

or there other way track stack of execution in javascript.

the first number line number, second number column number.


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