c# - CRM Dynamics Plugin on Update not Working? -

i have crm dynamics plugin fires on update of boolean change, fails fire when select yes on 2 option control, please find code below , advice may going wrong.

namespace webcall.plugin {   public class webcalltrigger : iplugin   {     /// <summary>     /// plugin initiate web call crm using marusip api     /// </summary>     /// <param name="serviceprovider"></param>     public void execute(iserviceprovider serviceprovider)     {          ipluginexecutioncontext context = (ipluginexecutioncontext)serviceprovider.getservice(typeof(ipluginexecutioncontext));          if (context == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("localcontext");         }          iorganizationservicefactory servicefactory = (iorganizationservicefactory)serviceprovider.getservice(typeof(iorganizationservicefactory));          iorganizationservice service = servicefactory.createorganizationservice(context.initiatinguserid);          if (context.inputparameters.contains("target") && context.inputparameters["target"] entity)         {             //initaialize entity             entity phonecallentity = (entity)context.inputparameters["target"];              if (phonecallentity.logicalname != contact.entitylogicalname)                 return;              //ensure plugin fires on create operaton             if (context.messagename == "update")             {                 try                 {                     if (phonecallentity.attributes.contains("new_dialnumber"))                         phonecallentity["new_dialnumber"] = true;                      string numbertocall;                // = phonecallentity.contains("telephone1") ? phonecallentity["telephone1"].tostring() : null;                      if (phonecallentity.contains("telephone1"))                     {                         numbertocall = phonecallentity.attributes["telephone1"].tostring();                     }                      else                     {                         numbertocall = phonecallentity.attributes["mobilephone"].tostring();                     }                      string receivecallon = phonecallentity.contains("new_receivecallon") ? phonecallentity["new_receivecallon"].tostring() : null;                     string apikey = phonecallentity.attributes.contains("new_apikey") ? phonecallentity.attributes["new_apikey"].tostring() : null;                     int fid = phonecallentity.attributes.contains("new_fid") ? (int)phonecallentity.attributes["new_fid"] : 0;                      //service.update(phonecallentity);                      //create new instance of webcallservice , call webcall method                     webcallservice webcallservice = new webcallservice();                      webcallservice.webcall(numbertocall, receivecallon, apikey, fid);                 } 

in case telephone1 or mobilephone fields not updated - target referring not contain mentioned fields. suggestion data pre-image. can check article - https://deepakexploring.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/preentityimages-and-postentityimages-in-crm-5-0-2011/


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