How to query array columns in Rails 4? -
i can't find articles how query array columns
in rails. came across need query array column in rails.
i found article teaching how basic query here.
let's follow example in article book
covers many subjects
, subjects stored array column:
add_column :books, :subjects, :text, array: true, default: []
query books contains subject - e.g. history
book.where("'history' = (subjects)")
query books contains listed subjects - e.g. finance , business , accounting
book.where("subjects @> ?", "{finance,business,accounting}")
i wonder how can following?
query books contains of listed subjects - e.g. fiction or biography
query books doesn't contain subject - e.g. not physics
query books doesn't contain of subjects - e.g. not (physics or chemistry or biology)
and there rails
way of doing above queries?
don't store arrays in db. ever. there better solution (associations):
book has_many :subjects # or has_one/has_and_belongs_to_many
subject belongs_to :book # or has_and_belongs_to_many
and create table
, save subjects there , you're set up. retrieving data array columns in db really slow , non-effective.your queries:
query books contains of listed subjects - e.g. fiction or biography
book.find_by_sql "select * books 'fiction' = (subjects) or 'biography' = (subjects)"
query books doesn't contain subject - e.g. not physics
book.where.not("subjects @> ?", "{physics}")
query books doesn't contain of subjects - e.g. not (physics or chemistry or biology)
book.find_by_sql "select * books books not in (select * books 'physics' = (subjects) or 'chemistry' = (subjects) or 'biology' = (subjects)"
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