ios - NSInternalInconsistencyException when i use UISplitViewController and UITabViewController -

i want build structure flows:enter image description here

but when running demo, there exception:

2015-07-22 21:54:41.697 test[3884:2992098] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'could not load nib in bundle: 'nsbundle </users/zhanggui/library/developer/coresimulator/devices/deba893c-5df5-4a9a-aaad-d992caed1185/data/containers/bundle/application/da15e304-cd75-4739-9af9-2b930ca84eff/> (loaded)' name 'tit-bj-hqi-view-atr-6s-rdw'' *** first throw call stack: (     0   corefoundation                      0x02047746 __exceptionpreprocess + 182     1   libobjc.a.dylib                     0x00531a97 objc_exception_throw + 44     2   corefoundation                      0x0204766d +[nsexception raise:format:] + 141     3   uikit                               0x00ab9ddf -[uinib instantiatewithowner:options:] + 1003     4   uikit                               0x008d40d4 -[uiviewcontroller _loadviewfromnibnamed:bundle:] + 270     5   uikit                               0x008d486b -[uiviewcontroller loadview] + 295     6   uikit                               0x008d4a9f -[uiviewcontroller loadviewifrequired] + 78     7   uikit                               0x008d5045 -[uiviewcontroller view] + 35     8   uikit                               0x00924cdf -[uitabbarcontroller transitionfromviewcontroller:toviewcontroller:transition:shouldsetselected:] + 426     9   uikit                               0x0092431f -[uitabbarcontroller transitionfromviewcontroller:toviewcontroller:] + 64     10  uikit                               0x009204db -[uitabbarcontroller _setselectedviewcontroller:] + 339     11  uikit                               0x00920295 -[uitabbarcontroller setselectedindex:] + 115     12  uikit                               0x0091fe41 __51- ) libc++abi.dylib: terminating uncaught exception of type nsexception (lldb)  

how resolve it?

it doesn't appear if problem in layout of views, in how views being presented. because of line "could not load nib in bundle:". nib misspelled, you're loading wrong bundle, or it's not nib file mean loading @ all.


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