mysql - Counting the same column on the same table under different alias? -
i've 2 tables (well, 3, 1 user table id, name, email etc.. that's bog standard).
table 1:
questions: id (auto inc) user_id (int) question (text) parent (int)
table 2:
map_user_question_vote: question_id (int) user_id (int) vote (int)
it's question , various anwsers site.
so user posts question , parent set 0
when user posts reply, goes same table, parent field has id of parent question.
every user presented vote button on questions , comments. (no downvoting or undoing).
what need comment, find out vote total , parent questions vote total too, single user
this have far:
select , questions.question , coalesce(sum(, 0) question_vote_score , coalesce(sum(, 0) comment_vote_score , parentid , parent.title parentquestion `questions` join `questions` `parent` on `questions`.`parent` = `parent`.`id` join `map_user_question_vote` `cv` on `cv`.`question_id` = `questions`.`id` join `map_user_question_vote` `qv` on `qv`.`question_id` = `parent`.`id` questions.user_id = 1 , questions.parent > 0 group limit 5
what's happening, appears combining 'vote' totals, regardless of they're coming from, questions or comments.
any sql gurus out there want me keep hair? :)
edit: added!9/b5d08/1
if join tables way , use group in main query, first join records of map_user_question_vote
table (twice) records of questions
table , sum calculated later same question groups (although column names different, values same).
you need join subqueries first calculate sum of votes. i.e.:
select , questions.question , parentid , parent.question parentquestion , coalesce(qv.sum_vote, 0) parent_question_vote_score , coalesce(cv.sum_vote, 0) comment_vote_score `questions` join `questions` `parent` on `questions`.`parent` = `parent`.`id` left join (select `question_id`, sum(`vote`) `sum_vote` `map_user_question_vote` group `question_id`) `cv` on `cv`.`question_id` = `questions`.`id` left join (select `question_id`, sum(`vote`) `sum_vote` `map_user_question_vote` group `question_id`) `qv` on `qv`.`question_id` = `parent`.`id` questions.user_id = 1 , questions.parent > 0 limit 5
see results in sql fiddle here.
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