powershell - npm install sometimes fails in Visual Studio Online -
i had problems vs online , nuget-restore. report couldn't find packages, visual studio 2015 found , installed. specified in nuget's targets file use apiv3 , apiv2. since than, nuget packages found, i'm starting experience different, rather random, errors npm.
i've pre-build script (configured in project file) installs necessary npm , bower packages, , afterwards runs gulp. works fine locally, , of times online. every ~4th time on average, exception similar this:
eperm, open 'c:\npm\cache\fedb6d47-pm-cache-clone-1-0-2-package-tgz.lock'
or this:
eperm, open 'c:\npm\cache\ca5822dc-sh-isarguments-3-0-4-package-tgz.lock'
i working on gulpfile in beginning, thought of changes caused it, now, i'm not touching project anymore, , compiled fine until got error again.
in meanwhile, i've added tiny change commit , push it, , compiles fine again. idea can cause , how can @ least reduce risk of getting error?
here pre-build powershell script:
param($build_config) $webprojectname = "web_project" $scriptpath = $myinvocation.mycommand.path $dir = split-path $scriptpath cd $dir cd ..\src\$webprojectname echo "npm install" npm install echo "bower install" bower install echo "gulp $build_config" gulp $build_config
i used execute powershell script via
powershell -file script.ps1
and after switching to
powershell -noninteractive -noprofile -command script.ps1
it seemed have fixed error, after ~20 successful builds, got again similar problem (although less now)
further investigation shows, there might problem network connection or proxy, weird, because bower install
succeeds. anyhow, solution working quite me following:
- use native npm install build step visual studio online first step
- add environment variable build service in order identify in script, it's running on build server (i called
, assigned value 1) check in script if it's running on build server or not, in powershell can this:
if ($env:vso -ne 1) { echo "npm install" npm install }
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