c# - Trouble with escape character in WMI query -

processname.name = @"\\dfs\ns1\application_data\tiny\development\tinylos\tinylos.exe";  string wmiquery = string.format("select commandline win32_process pathname='{0}'", processname.name); managementobjectsearcher searcher = new managementobjectsearcher(wmiquery); managementobjectcollection retobjectcollection = searcher.get();  

i trying run above code in c# using wmi keep getting invalid query error when executes. suspect it's problem escaping slash thought had accounted @. missing simple because looks should execute ok?

(note: query executes when slashes removed)

you need pass escaped slashes , it's executablepath not pathname

wmiquery = @"select commandline win32_process executablepath =             'c:\\program files\\microsoft security client\\msseces.exe'";  var searcher = new managementobjectsearcher("root\\cimv2", wmiquery);  foreach (managementobject queryobj in searcher.get())     console.writeline("commandline: {0}", queryobj["commandline"]); 


commandline: "c:\program files\microsoft security client\msseces.exe" -hide -runkey


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