javascript - how to use ng click and pass the id in google map pop window using angularjs? -

i have 2 stores in database , trying stores in google map marker pointing 2 stores.i have ng-click in info window pass id here ng-click not working there idea pass id through ng-click

.controller('mapctrl', [      '$scope', '$http', '$location', '$window',     function ($scope, $http, $location, $window) {      $http.get('****').success(function (data, dealers, response) {          function initialize() {              var serverdata = data;              $scope.locations = [];              (var = 0; < serverdata.length; i++) {                  var modal = [                  data[i].store_name, data[i].s_location.latitude, data[i].s_location.longitude, i, 'images/arrow.svg', data[i].s_address];                  $scope.locations.push(modal);               }              console.log($scope.locations);              //---------------------------------------------------------              //console getting              var locations = [                  ['nokia store', '12.971599', '77.594563', '1', 'images/arrow.svg.svg', '55a78953815356700bee698f'],                  ['samsung store', '12.9065534', '77.5774802', '2', 'images/arrow.svg.svg', '55a786d1815356700bee6982'], ];              //----------------------------------------------------------              var map = new'map'), {                  zoom: 13,                  center: new google.maps.latlng(12.9667, 77.5667),                  maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap              });              var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow();              var marker, i;              (i = 0; < $scope.locations.length; i++) {                  //console.log($scope.locations[i][1]);                  marker = new google.maps.marker({                      position: new google.maps.latlng($scope.locations[i][1], $scope.locations[i][2]),                      map: map,                      icon: $scope.locations[i][4],                      animation: google.maps.animation.drop,                  });                  google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) {                      return function () {                          infowindow.setcontent('<div class="marker-box"><div class="marker-title">' + $scope.locations[i][0] + '</div><input type="button" value="book now" name="book now" ng-click="getid(' + $scope.locations[i][5] + ') "/></div>');                , marker);                      }                  })(marker, i));              }              $ = map;          }          $scope.getid(id) {              console.log(id);          }      });
since 3 days i'm trying can't able me out

so in code:

google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) {                     return function () {                         infowindow.setcontent('<div class="marker-box"><div class="marker-title">' + $scope.locations[i][0] + '</div><input type="button" value="book now" name="book now" ng-click="getid(' + $scope.locations[i][5] + ') "/></div>');               , marker);                     }                 })(marker, i)); 

your call function not run until marker clicked. time it's clicked, scope not know "i" is. guess "i" becomes $scope.locations.length+1.

one things can try:

put above code in secondary function, call main thread instead of running directly main thred. ie:

main code:{ //your code (i = 0; < $scope.locations.length; i++){    function_name(parameter 1, i); }  function function_name= above code; 

note above sudo code, please implement , try it. hope solves it.


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