Get Unicode Text from SQLite DB -
i have sqlite database contains values strange characters ü, é, etc. sqlite utf8 default , values in database tool.
now need fill option menu in livecode these values. when
put uniencode ("krüger", "utf8") tdata set text of button "option" tdata
i correct value in option button looking strange big spacings "k r ü g e r"
instead of "krüger"
edit: appears text displayed in "full width". using tahoma changing font not make difference.
if don't uniencode "krüger"
i tried set unicodetext of button "option" tdata
gave me 1 line of chinese or japanse chars or so.
where mistake?
i using livecode 7.0.6.
put textdecode(myvariable,”utf8”) newvariable
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