rspec-puppet does not support file_line resource -

i have below manifests file_line resource

class login {    if $::operatingsystemmajrelease < 7 {      file {'/etc/loginfile':       ensure => present,     }      file_line { 'testfile':       path   => '/etc/loginfile',       line   => 'abc 022',       match  => '^abc.*$',     }   } } 

below rspec file

require 'spec_helper'  describe 'login'    { should contain_class('login')}    let(:facts) {{:operatingsystemmajrelease => 6}}    if (6 < 7)     { should contain_file('/etc/loginfile').with_ensure('present')}      { should contain_file_line('testfile').with(       :path   => '/etc/loginfile',       :line   => 'abc 022',       :match  => '^abc.*$'     )}   end end 

when run rake-spec command getting below error

 login      failure/error: { should contain_class('login')}      puppet::error:        puppet::parser::ast::resource failed error argumenterror: invalid resource type file_line @ /etc/puppetlabs/modulename/login/spec/fixtures/modules/login_defs/manifests/init.pp:17 on node       # ./spec/classes/login_spec.rb:5 

rspec not support file_line resporce?

becase if remove "file_line" resource , run rsepc file working

file_line in puppetlabs-stdlib, need include test fixture.

easiest way in .fixtures.yml:

fixtures:   repositories:     stdlib: "git://" 


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