android - Enabling Proguard fail with Can't process class [org/fmod/FMODAudioDevice.class] -
i have classes.jar unity3d included in libs folder of project in android studio. if enable proguard, not build it. minifyenabled true
my build.grade got dependencies
dependencies { compile '' compile files('libs/classes.jar') }
proguard-rules file has
-dontwarn org.fmod.** -keep class com.unity3d.** { *; } -keep class org.fmod.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class com.unity3d.player.** { *; } -keepclassmembers class org.fmod.** { *; } -libraryjars !libs/classes.jar(!org/fmod/fmodaudiodevice.class)
check proguard website have -libraryjars !. did not well.
following build error.
error:execution failed task ':android:proguardrelease'. can't read [/users/me/after_android_studio/src/libs/classes.jar(;;;;;;!meta-inf/] (can't process class [org/fmod/fmodaudiodevice.class] (256))
i did search similar issue. not read following urls.
check jar file not strange or corrupt in way. came across question while dealing same error message, different jar file. discovered jar fighting contained directory entry named "vcardprovider.class". since directory, proguard failed read ".class" file. perhaps proguard shouldn't have failed (it isn't file, after all), fixing jar resolved issue me.
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