javascript - Angularjs error validation for dropdown/select redirect with ng-href -

i'm using angularjs's ng-href , select html element ng-model using ng-href link "selecteditem" (from ng-model). unable validate or provide error when nothing chosen , wondering how this. ng-href works, think doesn't have same functionality on plunker.

heres html code:

 <form name="linkform" ng-controller="mainctrl">   <select name="link" ng-model="selecteditem"        ng-options="item item in items"></select>       <option value=""></option>         <span class="error" ng-show="$dirty &&$invalid">please select website</span>       <a ng-href="{{}}">let's go</a>  </form> 

heres angularjs code

var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []);   app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope) {  $scope.items = [ { id: '', name: 'google'}, { id: '', name: 'gmail'}];   }); 

heres demo:

you need add required select in order make option necessary validation. however, need remove check bankloginform.banklogin.$dirty, since won't dirty until user modifies dropdown. make href disappear when dropdown invalid, can add opposite check on it.

<select name="banklogin" ng-model="selecteditem"            ng-options="item item in items" required>           <option value=""></option>  </select>               <span ng-show="bankloginform.banklogin.$invalid">select bank</span>     <a ng-href="{{}}" ng-show="!bankloginform.banklogin.$invalid">let's go</a>


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