jquery - How can i post a variable equal to the only "style = 'display: block'" dropdown menu? -

so have 6 dropdown menus in class called .receiver , 1 visible based on selection of #type1 dropdown menu. depending on current value of #type menu, appropriate .receiver displayed. want post value of .receiver dropdown menu display set "block". there selector can use this? tried program glitch work creating user_receiver variable , assigning value of program glitch menu on change doesn't work.

here script:

$(document).ready(function() {    var user_receiver;    $("#type1").change(function() {      $('#it1').css('display', 'none');      $('#operations1').css('display', 'none');      $('#logistics1').css('display', 'none');      $('#customerservice1').css('display', 'none');      $('#buyers1').css('display', 'none');      var type = $("#type1").val();      if (type == 'program glitch') {        $('#it1').css('display', 'block');        user_receiver = ('#it').val();        document.write(user_receiver);      }      if (type == 'listing discrepancy') {        $('#operations1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'manufacturing discrepancy') {        $('#buyers1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'po discrepancy') {        $('#logistics1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'receiving discrepancy') {        $('#logistics1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'rma discrepancy') {        $('#customerservice1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'sales discrepancy') {        $('#it1').css('display', 'block');      }      if (type == 'shipping discrepancy') {        $('#logistics').css('display', 'block');      }    });    $("#sub").click(function() {      var user_issue = $("#issue").val();      var user_priority = $("#priority").val();      var user_type = $("#type1").val();      $.post("bugreport.php", {        receiver: user_receiver,        issue: user_issue,        priority: user_priority,        type1: user_type,        receiver: user_receiver      }, function(data) {        $("#result").html(data);      });      document.getelementbyid('issue').value = '';      $('#type1').prop('selectedindex', 0);      $('#priority').prop('selectedindex', 1);      $('#it1').css('display', 'none');      $('#operations1').css('display', 'block');      $('#logistics1').css('display', 'none');      $('#customerservice1').css('display', 'none');      $('#buyers1').css('display', 'none');    });  });
body {    padding: 0;    margin: 0;  }  #box {    padding: 5px;    color: black;    margin: 0 auto;    border-style: solid;    border-color: #0000e6;    border-width: 2px;    background-color: #58c6eb;    width: 162px;    height: 687px;    float: left;    border-radius: 10px;  }  .word {    color: #0000e6;  }  .buttons {    background-color: #ccffff;    border-radius: 5px;  }
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>  <div id="box">    <h3 class="word" style="margin:10px 30px 30px 30px;">issue report</h3>    <div class="word" style="width: 100px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto">type of issue:</div>    <div style=" max-width: 150px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 2px">      <form action="bugreport.php" method="post">        <select class="buttons" name="type1" id="type1" style='max-width: 150px;'>          <?php $servername="localhost" ; $username="user" ; $password="pass" ; $database="db" ; $con=m ysqli_connect($servername,$username,$password,$database); if($con->connect_error){ die("connection failed " . $con->connect_error); } $sql1 = "select issue_name, issue_description issue"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$sql1); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $issue = $row['issue_name']; $des =          $row['issue_description']; echo "          <option value='$issue' title='$des'>$issue</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <form action="bugreport.phpl" method="post">      <div id="buyers1" style="display:none;">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="buyers" id="buyers" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = '1'" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </div>    </form>    <div id="operations1" style="display:block;">      <form action="bugreport.php" method="post">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="operations" id="operations" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = 2" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <div id="it1" style="display:none;">      <form action="bugreport.php" method="post">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="it" id="it" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = 3" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <div id="customerservice1" style="display:none;">      <form action="bugreport.html" method="post">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="customerservice" id="customerservice" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = 4" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <div id="hr1" style="display:none;">      <form action="bugreport.html" method="post">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="hr" id="hr" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = 5" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <div id="logistics1" style="display:none;">      <form action="bugreport.html" method="post">        <select class="buttons receiver" name="logistics" id="logistics" style="margin: 0px 30px 0px 30px;">          <?php $sql="select first, last employee department_id = 6" ; $result=m ysqli_query($con,$sql); while ($row=m ysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $name=$ row[ 'first'] . ' ' . $row[ 'last']; echo "<option value = '$name'>$name</option>"; } ?>        </select>      </form>    </div>    <form action="bugdisplayandreply.html" method="post">      <label></label>      <br>      <textarea style="max-width: 156px; background-color: #f3f9ff; border-color: #0000e6;" cols="20" rows="34" name="issue" id="issue" placeholder="enter issue here" "></textarea></form><br>      			<div class="word " style="width: 50px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto ">priority:</div>      			<div style = "width: 70px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 2px ">      			<form action="bugreport.html " method="post ">      			<select class = "buttons " name = "priority " id = "priority ">      				<option value = "low ">low</option>      				<option value = "regular " selected>regular</option>      				<option value = "high ">high</option>      				<option value = "urgent ">urgent</option>      			</select>      			</form></div>      		<div style = "width: 50px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 2px ">      		<input class = "buttons " type ="submit " name = "sub " value = "submit " id = "sub "></div>      		<div id="result "></div>      		</div>

how using jquery(':visible')?

(read documentation performance implications!)


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