api - printing PayPal response -

i writing code response

$paypalresult = $paypal->gettransactiondetails($paypalrequestdata); echo '<pre />'; print_r($paypalresult); 

after using print_r command getting following result.

array ( [receiverbusiness] => rdaa.org [receiveremail] => rdudeja.org [receiverid] => rs2thgdskdkg6 [email] => begin@denim.com [payerid] => rpxdf4pdmrqd6 [payerstatus] => verified [countrycode] => [shiptoname] => kamal  sudeja [protectioneligibility] => eligible [protectioneligibilitytype] => itemnotreceivedeligible,unauthorizedpaymenteligible [l_name0] => denim [l_number0] => 1234 [l_qty0] => 1 [l_taxamt0] => 0.00 [l_currencycode0] => usd [l_taxable0] => false [errors] => array     (     )  [orderitems] => array     (         [0] => array             (                 [l_name] => denim                 [l_desc] =>                  [l_number] => 1234                 [l_qty] => 1                 [l_amt] =>                  [l_taxamt] => 0.00                 [l_ebayitemtxnid] =>                  [l_ebayitemorderid] =>              )      )    

i writing following code print associative array.

foreach($paypalresult $k=>$v) {    echo $k.'='.$v.'<br>'; }  

but showing error

"array string conversion"

help me want print response.

you don't need loop through $paypalresult. params includes parsed , available you, can use $paypalresult['email'] pull value, example.

the things might want loop through $paypalresult['orderitems'] or $paypalresult['errors'] arrays themselves, @daniel a. white mentioned in comment.

in case, though, this...

foreach($paypalresult['orderitems'] $orderitem) {     $itemname = $orderitem['l_name'];    } 


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