c++ - How to build boost Version 1.58.0 using Visual Studio 2015 (Enterprise) -

i build boost 1.58.0 using (new) visual studio 2015 (enterprise). in past proceeded in following way:

  1. download boost 1.58.0 www.boost.org
  2. extract files (e.g. c:\thirdparty\vs2013\x64\boost_1_58_0)
  3. start visual studio 2013 x64 command prompt (vs2013 x64 native tools command prompt)
  4. change boost directory (e.g. cd c:\thirdparty\vs2013\x64\boost_1_58_0)
  5. execute .\bootstrap.bat
  6. execute .\b2 -j8 --toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete stage
  7. b2 -j8 --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=64 --build-type=complete stage --with-python

but in vs2015 there not vs2015 command prompt.

also vcvarsall.bat missing used setup vs2013 command prompt.

how can compile source code of boost using vs2015?

i tried install qt , had same issue: vcvarsall.bat missing. in case problem unchecked visual c++ common tools.

i modified vs 2015 installation , added missing feature common tools visual c++ 2015:

enter image description here

after modification, file in c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc


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