javascript - Validating form input before submiting form -

i've learned make login form , planning validate 2 values ​​( email , password ) , use condition true or false .

i have code this

    function uservalid(email) {     var usr = /^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$\i/ ;     return usr.test(email);          };      function passvalid(password) {     var passw = /^[a-za-z]\w{7,14}$/;     return passw.test(password);                 }; 

the code above use validating email , password in form , think if passing value function (for example passing value email uservalid() function) return true/false.

i plan create validating form or login form first check user email & password valid before submit (lets server).

and think logic :

  1. if both values true login success
  2. if 1 of values true login failed
  3. if both values false login failed
  4. else (the value must empty or null) please insert email , password

and on

my question how create conditional statement above case, , of course in javascript :) thanks.

i don't know how acces email , password, should work if fill in.

if ( uservalid(email) == true && passvalid(password) == true ) {    //login succes code } else if ( uservalid(email) == false || passvalid(password) == false ){    //login failure code } else {    //the "please insert" code } 

the && operater (and) returns true if both values true.

the || operater (or) returns true if @ least 1 of values true.

this can done easier, should work this.

you can add code check if password , username empty, don't think that's necesarry.


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