oop - I can't Read from FileText C# -

i have make connection between students,classes, , year this: 1 year can have 1 or more classes , 1 class can have 1 or more students.

i made generic list. problem have information 1 .txt file , don't know how it.

my file this:

(year,class,name,surname,average). 1   314 george      andrew  8 2   324 popescu     andrei  9 2   323 andreescu   bogdan  10 3   332 marin       darius  9 3   332 constantin  roxana  10 


  public class student     {         public string name { get; set; }         public string surname { get; set; }         public int average { get; set; }     } }       public class grupa     {          public int name { get; set; }         public list<student> setstudent { get; set; }          public grupa()         {             setstudent = new list<student>();         }          public void print()         {             //console.writeline("grupa: " + this.name);             console.writeline("studentii din grupa: ");              foreach (student s in this.setstudent)             {                 console.writeline(" " + s.name+ " " + s.surname + "  ---  " + s.average+"\n");             }         }      } public class     {         public int anul { get; set; }         public list<grupa> setgrupa { get; set; }          public an()         {             setgrupa = new list<grupa>();         }          public void print()         {             console.writeline("anul: " + this.anul);             console.writeline("grupele din acest an: ");             foreach (grupa g in this.setgrupa)             {                 console.writeline(" " + g.name);             }         }               }        string[] lines = system.io.file.readalllines(@"d:\c#\tema1\tema1.txt");      system.console.writeline("content tema1.txt= \n");     foreach (string line in lines)     {           console.writeline("\t" + line);     }      console.writeline("\n close");     system.console.readkey(); } 

you can use .net textfieldparser type of flat file:

var studentlist = new list<student>();  var parser = new microsoft.visualbasic.fileio.textfieldparser("<file path>"); parser.setfieldwidths(4, 4, 12, 8, 2);  while (!parser.endofdata) {      string[] line = parser.readfields();       var student = new student();      student.year = int.parse(line[0]);      student.class = int.parse(line[1]);      student.name = line[2].trim();      student.surname = line[3].trim();      student.average = int.parse(line[4]);       studentlist.add(student); } 

you have setup field lengths in setfieldwidths function.


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