python - Apache Spark: How to create a matrix from a DataFrame? -

i have dataframe in apache spark array of integers, source set of images. want pca on it, having trouble creating matrix arrays. how create matrix rdd?

> imagerdd = row: map(float, row.image)) > mat = densematrix(numrows=206456, numcols=10, values=imagerdd) traceback (most recent call last):    file "<ipython-input-21-6fdaa8cde069>", line 2, in <module> mat = densematrix(numrows=206456, numcols=10, values=imagerdd)    file "/usr/local/spark/current/python/lib/", line 815, in __init__ values = self._convert_to_array(values, np.float64)    file     "/usr/local/spark/current/python/lib/", line 806, in _convert_to_array     return np.asarray(array_like, dtype=dtype)    file "/usr/local/python/conda/lib/python2.7/site-        packages/numpy/core/", line 462, in asarray     return array(a, dtype, copy=false, order=order)  typeerror: float() argument must string or number 

i'm getting same error every possible arrangement can think of:

imagerdd = row: vectors.dense(row.image)) imagerdd = row: row.image) imagerdd = row: np.array(row.image)) 

if try

> imagedf ="image") > mat = densematrix(numrows=206456, numcols=10, values=imagedf) 

traceback (most recent call last):

  file "<ipython-input-26-a8cbdad10291>", line 2, in <module> mat = densematrix(numrows=206456, numcols=10, values=imagedf)    file "/usr/local/spark/current/python/lib/", line 815, in __init__     values = self._convert_to_array(values, np.float64)    file "/usr/local/spark/current/python/lib/", line 806, in _convert_to_array     return np.asarray(array_like, dtype=dtype)    file "/usr/local/python/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 462, in asarray     return array(a, dtype, copy=false, order=order)  valueerror: setting array element sequence. 

since didn't provide example input i'll assume looks more or less id row number , image contains values.

traindf = sqlcontext.createdataframe([     (1, [1, 2, 3]),     (2, [4, 5, 6]),     (3, (7, 8, 9)) ], ("id", "image")) 

first thing have understand densematrix local data structure. precise wrapper around numpy.ndarray. (spark 1.4.1) there no distributed equivalents in pyspark mllib.

dense matrix take 3 mandatory arguments numrows, numcols, values values local data structure. in case have collect first:

values = (traindf.     rdd.     map(lambda r: (, r.image)). # extract row id , data     sortbykey(). # sort row id     flatmap(lambda (id, image): image).     collect())   ncol = len( r: r.image).first()) nrow = traindf.count()  dm = densematrix(nrow, ncol, values) 


> print dm.toarray() [[ 1.  4.  7.]  [ 2.  5.  8.]  [ 3.  6.  9.]] 


in spark 1.5+ can use mllib.linalg.distributed follows:

from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import indexedrow, indexedrowmatrix  mat = indexedrowmatrix( row: indexedrow(*row))) mat.numrows() ## 4 mat.numcols() ## 3 

although api still limited useful in practice.


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