objective c - Getting Ensembles Idiomatic OSX App to sync with iCloud -
i try implement ensembles
icloud sync cocoa app of our working , syncing ios apps. because have problem in cocoa app, thought try ensembles sample app.
so try idiomatic app osx sync through icloud. same error, not logged icloud, because
[filemanager urlforubiquitycontaineridentifier:ubiquitycontaineridentifier]
always returns nil
i logged icloud on macbook , sync eg dayone works fine between iphone , macbook. so, not being logged in not problem. question is, why filemanager
not return identifier?
i hassle 3 days , worked time , broke because of 'i don't know'. restored ~/library
folder timemachine , worked time again, broke again. created new os user , used apple-id icloud, worked time , broke again.
i little confused, not sure, if has do, signing, sandboxing, provisioning ... or whatever.
so, did do?
i opened ensembles 1.4 idiomatic
project, on target-general
-tab changed bundleidentifier
, enabled macappstore signing
, chose our devteam
on capabilities
-tab enabled appsandbox
, icloud capabilities
, specified custom containers , chose newly created icloud container,
on buildsettings
-tab chose mac developer
codesigningidentity , macteamprovisioningprofile
our bundleid. (i post screenshots, haven't enough reputation points that.)
also, disabling sandboxing capability not help.
has idea, or knows, thing missing? 'magic' folders in ~/library
has deleted? logging in , out of icloud? deleting container on icloud servers? or have new start app-id-certificate
-hassle, perhaps solve issue?
could be, icloud accounts have been corrupted?
any appreciated, in advance it.
ok, quite time, didn't have error again on mac , wanted share, have not found out, caused icloud syncing error, worked weeks, after restored ~/library folder again.
so, best guess solving error of mine: timemachine backups , not manually delete things under ~/library without such backup!!!
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