Why does batch processing with unusal usage of command SET hang on running in console emulator Cmder? -

i have made small batch script generate md5 sum of file. works great when remove line @echo off, hangs on execution in console emulator cmder version when leave line.

@echo off  if [%1]==[] goto usage  /f "delims=" %%i in ('certutil -hashfile %1 md5 ^| find /v "certutil" ^| find /v "md5"') set output=%%i set /p =%output: =%<nul >%1.md5  goto :eof  :usage @echo usage: %0 filename exit /b 1 

if replace line set /p =%output: =%<nul >%1.md5 echo %output: =% >%1.md5, batch file executed in cmder , not cmd.exe of windows works, outputs additional newline don't want.

what going on?

edit: line doesn't hang on batch processing in cmder:

set /p ="hello" <nul 

this line hangs on batch processing in cmder:

set /p ="hello" <nul >out 

both lines work in batch file executed windows command processor in command prompt window.


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