config - Best practice to create a .NET configuration file editor application? -
i've develop small wpf (.net fwk 4.5) app allow user edit appsettings section of 5 files differents .config file.
these 5 files application configuration file of 4 console applications , 1 wpf composite application.
in each file, appsettings hold smtp/pop3 server addresses, configuration , other misc. information.
my question : best microsoft best practices available create kind of app?
is there way downsize/factorize 5 files single 1 or @ least create xml formatted file holding common appsetting 5 app configure?
thanks reply,
ok, i've found myself : factorize using file attribute of appsettings element; here i've done :
<appsettings file="..\appsettings.config"></appsettings>
use xpath query , xmldocument class of .net framework :
xmldocument myxmldocument = new xmldocument(); myxmldocument.load('appsettings.config'); xmlnode root = myxmldocument.selectsinglenode("/appsettings"); string attributename = "smtpserver"; xmlnode node = root.selectsinglenode("/appsettings/add[@key='" + attributename + "']"); //read value of 'value attribute' of node var myvalue = node.attributes["value"].value;"appsettings.config");
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