Laravel 5.1 access event object in listener -

i trying out laravel 5.1's queue, having problem working $event object in listener.


public function postgenerateresettoken() {     try     {         $admin = admin::where( 'email', '=', input::get( 'email' ) )->firstorfail();          $token = bus::dispatch( new generatepasswordresettoken( $admin ) );          event( new passwordresettokenwasgenerated( $admin, $token ) );          return success();     }     catch( modelnotfoundexception $exception )     {         return fail();     } } 


class passwordresettokenwasgenerated extends event {      use serializesmodels;      public function __construct( $admin, $token )     {         $this->admin = $admin;         $this->token = $token;     }      public function broadcaston()     {         return [];     } }   


class sendforgottenpasswordemail implements shouldqueue {      public function __construct()     {         //     }      public function handle(passwordresettokenwasgenerated $event)     {         $data = [             'admin' => $event->admin,             'token' => $event->token         ];          mail::send( 'emails.forgotten-password', $data, function( $message ) use ( $event )         {             $message->subject( 'forgotten password' );              $message->to( $event->admin->email );         });     } } 

using $event->admin in handler results in undefined property: passwordresettokenwasgenerated::$admin

but, error occurs when implement shouldqueue interface on listener. works fine without interface.

the queue driver set sync.

i know because of queue, isn't supposed work way want work?

you should declare admin , token public before setting them:

class passwordresettokenwasgenerated extends event {

use serializesmodels;  public $admin; public $token;  public function __construct( $admin, $token ) {     $this->admin = $admin;     $this->token = $token; }  public function broadcaston() {     return []; } 


after should able access properties in listener.


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