php - Solving count query issue -

i have following code need select items personabisna table , count items same personalbisnaid table both tables share personalbisnaid

 $query="select c.businesslogo,                     c.personalbisnaid,                      c.account_id,                       ads personalbisna c inner join myads b on b.personalbisnaid=c.personalbisnaid group c.personalbisnaid limit $itemfrom,$dataperpage"; 

these tables

personalbisna table

| personalbisnaid| account_id| businesslogo --------------------------------------------- |       1         |   23     |  qwertyu.jpg |       2         |    4     |  asdfghjk.jpg |       3         |   12     |  34567gfd.jpg |       4         |   34     |   drtyujhv.jpg 

myads table

|   myadsid       | personalbisnaid| adtype --------------------------------------------- |       1         |     2           |  logo |       2         |     2           |  business card |       3         |     3           |  logo |       4         |     2           |   caricalture 

i have used answered questions solve problem , i'm getting totally confused solve issue

the above query should output following

| personalbisnaid| account_id| businesslogo      | adscount ------------------------------------------------------- |       1         |   23     |  qwertyu.jpg      |  0 |       2         |    4     |  asdfghjk.jpg     |  3 |       3         |   12     |  34567gfd.jpg     |  1   |       4         |   34     |   drtyujhv.jpg    |  0 

this have

$query="select                   c.businesslogo,                 c.personalbisnaid,                  c.account_id,                 c.businessname,                 c.businesscategory,                 c.businesssubcategory,       ,       ,                 c.street,                 c.road,                 c.building,                 c.address,       ,                 c.phonenumber,                 c.altphonenumber,       ,       ,                 c.businesstype                               count(myadsid)  adscount                   personalbisna c                  left outer join myads b                  on  b.personalbisnaid= c.personalbisnaid                  group  c.personalbisnaid limit $itemfrom,$dataperpage"; 

count aggregate missing in query.

also if want select items personabisna table instead of inner join need left/right outer join

select          c.personalbisnaid,                  c.account_id,                 c.businesslogo,                 count(adtype)      adscount             personalbisna c  left outer join myads         b  on              b.personalbisnaid=c.personalbisnaid  group        c.personalbisnaid,                  c.account_id,                 c.businesslogo 


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