dronekit python - High-rate telemetery / position / attitude -

from high level, trying combine pixhawk telemetry data (specifically gps position , vehicle attitude) other sensor data on rasppi 2, connected via dronekit. have pixhawk connected via gpio header, @ 115200 baud rate on telem 1 port.

-i turned sr_1 telemetry rates 10hz. -running logging code @ 10hz, have verified similar results @ higher rates. -i using 'attributes' function, i.e.

curr_attitude = vehicle.attitude  

the first problem seeing updates come through @ ~3-4 hz. there reason discrepancy between sr_1* rates , vehicles attributes?

my seconds question: there better/faster way raw attitude , position information?

it possible there stuff being sent. when channel full, ardupilot start dropping streams, in order make space packets thinks more important. solution decrease other stream rates, streams sent before it. streams sent in order:

params //don't worry one. raw_sens ext_stat position raw_ctrl rc_chan extra1 extra2 extra3 

so recommend decreasing raw_sens , ext_stat first. if doesn't help, try decreasing others.


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