android - Flickr API Signing Requests getting "oauth_problem=signature_invalid" -

i trying improve on api connections , figure give flickr go. getting error "oauth_problem=signature_invalid" , not entirely sure error is. think error be; flickr requires utf-8 encoded , using base64 , not entirely sure how utf-8 encoded if issue. possibility "oauth_callback" adding example because not have website. if have , give me feedback on causing "signature_invalid".

the flickr api expects data utf-8 encoded.


flickr example: have base string looks following:


what getting:


what being displaying in browser:



public class signingrequests {      public static void getsigningrequests() {         list<string> params = new arraylist<>(arrays.aslist(generateoauthparams()));         string[] template = new string[0];         params.add("oauth_signature=" + sign(constants.method_get, constants.method_request_token, params.toarray(template)));         try {             url url = new url(constants.method_request_token + "?" + paramify(params.toarray(template)));             urlconnection api = url.openconnection();             string line;             stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder();             bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(api.getinputstream()));             while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) builder.append(line);             log.e("respinse", line.tostring());         } catch (exception e) {             log.e("error", e.tostring());             e.printstacktrace();         }     }      private static string[] generateoauthparams() {         return new string[]{                 "oauth_nonce=" + nonce(),                 "oauth_timestamp=" + time_stamp,                 "oauth_consumer_key=" + constants.method_key,                 "oauth_signature_method=hmac-sha1",                 "oauth_version=1.0",                 ""};     }       private static string sign(string method, string uri, string[] params) {         string[] p = {method, uri.encode(uri), uri.encode(paramify(params))};         string s = join(p, "&");         secretkey sk = new secretkeyspec(constants.method_secret.getbytes(), "hmacsha1");         try {             mac m = mac.getinstance("hmacsha1");             m.init(sk);             return uri.encode(new string(base64.encode(m.dofinal(s.getbytes()), base64.default)).trim());         } catch ( e) {             log.w("fail_alg", e.getmessage());             return null;         } catch ( e) {             log.w("fail_invalid_key", e.getmessage());             return null;         }     }      private static int time_stamp = (int) (new date().gettime() / 1000);      private static string nonce() {         random r = new random();         stringbuilder n = new stringbuilder();         (int = 0; < r.nextint(8) + 2; i++)             n.append(r.nextint(26) + 'a');         return n.tostring();     }      private static string paramify(string[] params) {         string[] p = arrays.copyof(params, params.length);         arrays.sort(p);         return join(p, "&");     }      private static string join(string[] array, string separator) {         stringbuilder b = new stringbuilder();         (int = 0; < array.length; i++) {             if (i > 0)                 b.append(separator);             b.append(array[i]);         }         return b.tostring();     } } 


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