android - Travis-CI not building my configuration -
i have android project trying build on travis-ci. project consists of app module , library module. travis-ci errors out this:
configuration name 'release' not found.
this doesn't make sense, since gradle building project fine on local machine. how understand cryptic travis error?
thanks, igor
edit: full script here -
sudo: false language: android cache: apt addons: apt: packages: - s3cmd android: components: - build-tools-22.0.1 - android-22 # emulator components - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22 licenses: - 'android-sdk-preview-license-52d11cd2' - 'android-sdk-license-.+' - 'android-googletv-license-99eda7fb' jdk: - oraclejdk8 before_install: - chmod +x ./drnow/gradlew # emulator management: create, start , wait before_script: - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-19 --abi armeabi-v7a - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window & - android-wait-for-emulator - adb shell input keyevent 82 & # invoke test scripts here script: - cd drnow - ./gradlew test cache: directories: - $home/.gradle
the full error in travis-ci console looks this:
the command "cd drnow" exited 0. 27.38s$ ./gradlew test loading > resolving dependencies 'classpath'configuring > 0/5 projects > root project > resolving dependencies ':classpat1/5 projects > :app > compiling script cache > resolving dependencies ':app:classpath' > compiling script cachee/travis/build/chaione/healthhousecalls-android/drnow/app/build.gradle configuring > 1/5 projects > :app> configuring > 1/5 projects > :app2/5 projects > :libraries:contexthub-android-sdk:contexthub-and3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projectsfailure: configuring > 3/5 projectsbuild failed exception. configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects occurred configuring project ':app'. configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projectsodule contexthub-android-sdk : configuration name 'release' not found. configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects--stacktrace configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects--info configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects--debug configuring > 3/5 projectsore log output. configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projectsbuild failed configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projects> configuring > 3/5 projectse: 23.589 secs configuring > 3/5 projects command "./gradlew test" exited 1. cache.2 ... changes detected, packing new archive . . uploading archive done. build exited 1.
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