c++ - Execute command using Win32 -

i execute shell command update firmware procesor atmega 2560 this:

avrdude.exe -c breakout -p ft0 -p m2560 -u flash:w:\"file.cpp.hex\":a 

i can shellexecute() function:

shellexecute(0, l"open", l"cmd.exe", l"/c avrdude.exe -c breakout -p ft0 -p     m2560 -u flash:w:\"file.cpp.hex\":a > log.txt", 0, sw_hide); 

but want redirect output buffer, think should use createprocess() function. tried hasn't worked.

createprocess(null, l"cmd /c avrdude.exe -c breakout -p ft0 -p m2560 -u flash:w:\"file.cpp.hex\":a", null, null, 0, 0, null, null, null, null); 

use createprocess() instead of shellexecute(), , provide own pipes can read process's output. msdn has article on topic:

creating child process redirected input , output

for example:

lpwstr cmdline[] = l"avrdude.exe -c breakout -p ft0 -p m2560 -u flash:w:\"file.cpp.hex\":a";  security_attributes sa = {0}; sa.nlength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpsecuritydescriptor = null; sa.binherithandle = true;  handle hstdoutrd, hstdoutwr; handle hstderrrd, hstderrwr;  if (!createpipe(&hstdoutrd, &hstdoutwr, &sa, 0)) {     // error handling... }  if (!createpipe(&hstderrrd, &hstderrwr, &sa, 0)) {     // error handling... }  sethandleinformation(hstdoutrd, handle_flag_inherit, 0); sethandleinformation(hstderrrd, handle_flag_inherit, 0);  startupinfo si = {0}; si.cbsize = sizeof(si); si.dwflags = startf_usestdhandles; si.hstdinput = getstdhandle(std_input_handle); si.hstdoutput = hstdoutwr; si.hstderror = hstderrwr;  process_information pi = {0};  if (!createprocessw(null, cmdline, null, null, true, 0, null, null, &si, &pi)) {     // error handling... } else {     // read hstdoutrd , hstderrrd needed until process terminated...      closehandle(pi.hthread);     closehandle(pi.hprocess); }  closehandle(hstdoutrd); closehandle(hstdoutwr); closehandle(hstderrrd); closehandle(hstderrwr); 


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