java - How to slide an ImageView from left to right smoothly in Android? -

i need make imageview slide left right of screen smooth animation (i want imageview visible during transition) tried following code:

display display = getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay(); point size = new point(); display.getsize(size); int width = size.x;  camion.animate()     .translationx(width)     .setduration(2000)     .setinterpolator(new linearinterpolator())     .setlistener(new animatorlisteneradapter() {         @override         public void onanimationend(animator animation) {             super.onanimationend(animation);             //camion.setvisibility(view.gone);         }     }); 

the imageview moves animation laggy , not smooth want to. doing wrong on code?

creating kind of tween animation simple. follow steps,

step 1

create directory anim inside res directory , put slide.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set     xmlns:android=""     android:interpolator="@android:anim/linear_interpolator"     android:fillafter="true">     <translate         android:fromxdelta="0%p"         android:toxdelta="75%p"         android:duration="800" /> </set> 

you can customize animation changing 2 attributes fromxdelta , toxdelta. %p refers respect parent means move image 75% respect parent.

step 2

// refer imageview imageview = (imageview) findviewbyid(;  // load animation animslide = animationutils.loadanimation(getapplicationcontext(),                     r.anim.slide);  // start animation imageview.startanimation(animslide); 

you can setinterpolator() , setlisteners() if want to. haven't shown them here keep simple. if need, let me know.


as have mentioned repeatedly, experiencing laggy animation. have tested animation on 3 real devices , 2 emulators , animation buttery smooth on of them. tested on low end devices moto e high end devices nexus 5 , galaxy s6.

if still have lag running code, test device must reason. code perfect.


i checked on moto g running on lollipop too, animation running smoothly. small , light-weight animation, , should never laggy. if still getting lag, it must device testing, or other piece of code on activity making ui slow or unresponsive.

try check 1 applicable you,

  • i have tested on total of 6 devices no lag @ all. so, can rest assured production app not have lag, can device slow
  • if doing heavy operations accessing file system, database, or other heavy operation, must slowing down ui thread , loosing frames. try use asynctask these heavy operations


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