windows phone 8.1 - OnsenUI ons-pull-hook not working in IE11 on WP8.1 -
i've been trying make ons-pull-hook work phonegap/cordova on wp8.1 device haven't had luck it.
i'm using official example can found here:
ons.bootstrap() .controller('democontroller', function($scope, $timeout, $http) { $scope.items = []; $scope.load = function($done) { $timeout(function() { $http.jsonp('') .success(function(data) { $scope.items.unshift({ desc: data, rand: math.random() }); }) .error(function() { $scope.items.unshift({ desc: 'no data', rand: math.random() }); }) .finally(function() { $done(); }); }, 1000); }; $scope.reset = function(){ $scope.items.length = 0; } });
.left { text-align: left; } img{ position: absolute; margin: auto; top: 0; bottom: 0; } ons-list-item { line-height: 22px !important; } .info{ margin-top: 20px; text-align: center; opacity: 0.75; }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <ons-page ng-controller="democontroller"> <ons-pull-hook ng-action="load($done)" var="loader"> <span ng-switch="loader.getcurrentstate()"> <span ng-switch-when="initial"><ons-icon size="35px" icon="ion-arrow-down-a"></ons-icon> pull down refresh</span> <span ng-switch-when="preaction"><ons-icon size="35px" icon="ion-arrow-up-a"></ons-icon> release refresh</span> <span ng-switch-when="action"><ons-icon size="35px" spin="true" icon="ion-load-d"></ons-icon> loading data...</span> </span> </ons-pull-hook> <ons-toolbar> <div class="center">pull refresh</div> <div class="right"> <ons-toolbar-button ng-click="reset()">reset</ons-toolbar-button> </div> </ons-toolbar> <ons-list> <ons-list-item ng-show="items.length === 0"> <div class="info"> pull down fetch items </div> </ons-list-item> <ons-list-item class="item" ng-repeat="item in items"> <ons-row> <ons-col width="80px"> <img ng-src="{{item.rand}}" class="item-thum"></img> </ons-col> <ons-col> <p class="item-desc">{{ item.desc }}</p> </ons-col> </ons-row> </ons-list-item> </ons-list> </ons-page>
or in codepen actual http request works (don't know why doesn't here in so)
it works fine on browser , using ripple emulator on chrome, when using cordova build , visual studio deploy device, pull refresh action not work @ all.
everything else works fine, clicks, inputs, scrolling, etc. pull refresh doesn't work. else having issue and/or found solution?
i tried changing different styles , tried disabling overscrolling without success, i've been searching days now.
edit 1:
it doesn't work ie11/edge accessing directly either, guess issue has ie11/edge in general , not related cordova or visual studio deploy.
edit 2:
it does, however, work on ie11 desktop on surface pro 3 via touch emulating windows must specific issue real ie11 windows phone 8.1 itself..
edit 3:
adding simplier example, , doesn't have cordova nor visual studio, rather how ie11 handles pointerevents (and maybe it's issue onsen itself), maybe...that's i've been able dig far these past 2-3 days.
ons.bootstrap() .controller('mycontroller', function($scope, $timeout) { $scope.items = [3, 2 ,1]; $scope.load = function($done) { $timeout(function() { $scope.items.unshift($scope.items.length + 1); $done(); }, 500); }; });
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <ons-page ng-controller="mycontroller"> <ons-toolbar> <div class="center">pull refresh</div> </ons-toolbar> <ons-pull-hook var="loaded" ng-action="load($done)"> <span ng-switch="loader.getcurrentstate()"> <span ng-switch-when="initial">pull down refresh</span> <span ng-switch-when="preaction">release refresh</span> <span ng-switch-when="action">loading data. please wait...</span> </span> </ons-pull-hook> <ons-list> <ons-list-item ng-repeat="item in items"> item #{{ item }} </ons-list-item> </ons-list> </ons-page>
i feel very dumb post answer own problem, managed make work inside cordova, , mistake. clues got comments made me realize maybe wasn't exporting/building project correctly.
i using wp8 platform, instead of (universal) windows platform, means entire project wasn't 100% compatible ie on wp8.1 because wp8 platform depends on webview...
what doing:
cordova platform add wp8 -> cordova build wp8 -> open .sln file, change target platform wp8.1 -> deploy device
what i'm doing now:
cordova platform add windows -> cordova build windows -- --phone -> open .sln file
now works fine.
on other hand, i'm still not able make work on ie11 directly, without cordova.js, i'm guessing issue hammer.js , not onsen-ui, though relies on , confused me. that's issue entirely.
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