c# - Is there a property in gridview to show record numbers on the left side? -

    <asp:gridview id="gv_list_recs"           width="100%"         borderstyle="none"         gridlines="horizontal"          autogeneratecolumns ="false" pagersettings-mode="numeric" allowpaging="true" pagesize="20" onpageindexchanging="gv_list_recs_pageindexchanging"         datakeynames = "si_form_id"  rowstyle-horizontalalign="center"         cellpadding="2" alternatingrowstyle-backcolor="#e2e2e2"         headerstyle-cssclass="grid_header" horizontalalign="center"         runat="server">     <pagersettings mode="numericfirstlast" pagebuttoncount="5"  firstpagetext="first" lastpagetext="last" position="topandbottom" />     <emptydatarowstyle height="150px" horizontalalign="left" font-size="large" forecolor="#031d40" font-bold="true"/>     <columns>         <asp:boundfield datafield="form_id" headertext="form id">             <itemstyle horizontalalign ="left" cssclass="alternative_grid" font-size="10" />             <headerstyle horizontalalign="left" width="60px" />         </asp:boundfield> . . . 

basically, have around 85 records , see record number on left when paging through it. there property in gridview or code in sql? in advance!


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