I want "continue..." text when sub report will overflow to new page -
i think, should feature, when subreport detail band overflow next page, "...continued" or should came, can't able solve issue , have tried find out, if there solution, nothing works..
can 1 have better idea, how solution?
the "normal" way is:
in subreport put text in detail
band (if not there already), if text without datasource (just pass new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.jremptydatasource(1)
subreport detail
band displayed one.
having text in
band allows usepagefooter
band, notetitle
band ,summary
band overflows on new page withoutpagefooter
. can usesummary
band need set attributeissummarywithpageheaderandfooter="true"
in subreport add pagefooterband
<pagefooter> <band height="50"> <statictext> <reportelement x="446" y="18" width="100" height="20" uuid="efa2e741-c546-4261-bdb7-a4b211212f17"/> <text><![cdata[...continued]]></text> </statictext> </band> </pagefooter>
this display text "...continued" on every subreport page, since avoid on last page add empty lastpagefooter
<lastpagefooter> <band height="50"/> </lastpagefooter>
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