winforms - transparent background in Windows Forms? -

i transparent red color form background of vb6 program

i use code transparent background of from

option explicit  private const gwl_exstyle long = (-20) private const lwa_colorkey long = &h1 private const lwa_defaut long = &h2 private const ws_ex_layered long = &h80000  private declare function getwindowlong lib "user32" alias _     "getwindowlonga" (byval hwnd long, byval nindex long) long  private declare function setwindowlong lib "user32" alias _     "setwindowlonga" (byval hwnd long, byval nindex long, _     byval dwnewlong long) long  private declare function setlayeredwindowattributes lib "user32" _     (byval hwnd long, byval crkey long, byval bdefaut byte, _     byval dwflags long) long ___________________________________________________________________________ private sub form_load() me.backcolor = rgb(254,0,0) transparency me.hwnd, me.backcolor, 255 end sub ___________________________________________________________________________ private sub transparency(byval hwnd long, byval lngtransparentcolor long, _ byval byttransparency byte)      dim lngwindowstyle long      lngwindowstyle = getwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_exstyle)     if (lngwindowstyle , ws_ex_layered) <> ws_ex_layered         setwindowlong hwnd, gwl_exstyle, lngwindowstyle or ws_ex_layered     end if      setlayeredwindowattributes hwnd, lngtransparentcolor, byttransparency, _     lwa_colorkey or lwa_defaut end sub 

but can see in picture red noise remains

transparent background vb6

how can remove noise?

i save picture .png , use alphaimagecontrol.ocx show it

red noise removed red line under form remains

transparent background png

as commenters said, "red" isn't same red. line under form remains, if closely can see it: red lines fading red black. if left pixel 254,0,0 next ones not. recommend using blank/real transparent background, png offers :)


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