asp classic - How do you allow parent paths in Visual Studio 2015? -

i've opened existing web application project visual studio 2013 (which runs fine), in visual studio 2015. when run within visual studio 2015 get:

active server pages error 'asp 0131'   disallowed parent path   /blah/login.asp, line 1   include file '../includes/security.asp' cannot contain '..' indicate parent directory.  

my iisexpress applicationhost.config file contains entry:

<asp appallowclientdebug="false" appallowdebugging="false" errorstontlog="false" enableparentpaths="true" scripterrorsenttobrowser="true" bufferingon="true">              <session allowsessionstate="true" />             <cache disktemplatecachedirectory="%systemdrive%\inetpub\temp\asp compiled templates" />             <limits maxrequestentityallowed="1073741824" />         </asp> 

my web application properties set use iisexpress.

what missing?

the 'applicationhost.config' has moved , located in hidden .vs folder. make sure you're updating right file.


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