javascript - Using wfs-t in OpenLayers 3? -

i'm using openlayers-3.6.0 in web application. have wfs layer follow:

var url="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?&" +        "service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=getfeature&typenames=usa:states"; var format = new ol.format.wfs({}); var source = new ol.source.vector({     url: 'proxy.cgi?url='+ encodeuricomponent(url),     format: format }); layer wfs = new ol.layer.vector({     title: 'states',     source: source }); 

i edit point layer follow:

draw = new ol.interaction.draw({     source: source,     type: 'point' }); 

now want save layer in server side. in openlayers-2 defined savestrategy , call save method of it. shown follows:

var savestrategy = new;  /* * change layer's features */; 

how can in openlayers-3.6.0?

this application code handle. boundless sdk has code this. see: , code in repository:


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