modernizr - Passing data to variables from other Javascript files -

i'm working on project driving me crazy, i've searched through articles here on site i've not been able head how make work.

i using modernizr.js file check geolocation , localstorage, localstorage piece working fine finding latitude, longitude , creating map geolocation file. issue i'm having passing latitude , longitude values main js file can pass values (along form data entered on page) constructor function.

i don't know if order of statements or if passing data incorrectly, i've been battling while , have succeeded in confusing myself more. if can clarify me appreciate it.

i including files project, again stuck on passing values latitude , longitude geolocation.js file.

html file:

<!doctype html> <html> <head>   <title>javascript, ajax , json: list</title>   <meta charset="utf-8">   <link rel="stylesheet" href="todol14o2.css">   <script src=""></script>   <script src="modernizr.js"></script>     <script>      modernizr.load([        "todol14o2.js",      {       test: modernizr.geolocation,       yep: "l14o2geolocation.js",         nope: "l14o2nogeolocation.js"      },      {       test: modernizr.localstorage,       yep: "l14o2localstorage.js",       nope: "l14o2nolocalstorage.js",       complete: function() {        init();      }     }    ]);  </script>            </head> <body>  <div>   <h1>my list</h1>   <ul id="todolist">   </ul>    <!-- display map//-->   <div id="mapdiv">    <h1>where it</h1>    <div id="map">   </div>  </div>  <!--  display search results //-->   <div id="searchresults">   <h2>results</h2>    <ul id="searchresultslist">    </ul>   </div>  <form>  <!--  display search input //-->   <fieldset>    <legend>search items</legend>    <div class="tablecontainer">    <div class="tablerow">     <label for="searchterm">search: </label>         <input type="text" id="searchterm" size="35"                placeholder="search term">    </div>   <div class="tablerow">     <label for="searchbutton"></label>     <input type="button" id="searchbutton" value="search">   </div> </fieldset>  <fieldset>  <legend>add new item</legend>  <div class="tablecontainer">  <div class="tablerow">     <label for="task">task: </label>         <input type="text" id="task" size="35" placeholder="get milk">  </div>  <div class="tablerow">     <label for="who">who should it: </label>         <input type="text" id="who" placeholder="scott">  </div>  <div class="tablerow">             <label for="duedate">due date:  </label>         <input type="date" id="duedate" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy">  </div>  <div class="tablerow">     <label for="submit"></label>     <input type="button" id="submit" value="submit">  </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> </body> </html> 

todo javascript file:

function todo(id, task, who, duedate, days, lat, lon) { = id;   this.task = task;   this.who = who;   this.duedate = duedate;   this.done = false;   this.days = days; = lat;   this.lon = lon; }  var todos = new array();  var lat; var lon; console.log("before onload: " + lat + ", " + lon);  window.onload = init; function init() {  var submitbutton = document.getelementbyid("submit");  submitbutton.onclick = getformdata;   // search term , call click handler  var searchbutton = document.getelementbyid("searchbutton");  searchbutton.onclick = searchtodos;   gettodoitems(); }  function gettodoitems() {   if (localstorage) {     (var = 0; < localstorage.length; i++) {         var key = localstorage.key(i);         if (key.substring(0, 4) == "todo") {             var item = localstorage.getitem(key);             var todoitem = json.parse(item);             todos.push(todoitem);         }     }    addtodostopage();   }   else {     console.log("error: don't have localstorage!");   } }  function addtodostopage() {   var ul = document.getelementbyid("todolist");   var listfragment = document.createdocumentfragment();    (var = 0; < todos.length; i++) {     var todoitem = todos[i];     var li = createnewtodo(todoitem);     listfragment.appendchild(li);    }   ul.appendchild(listfragment); }  function addtodotopage(todoitem) {   var ul = document.getelementbyid("todolist");   var li = createnewtodo(todoitem);   ul.appendchild(li);   document.forms[0].reset(); }  function createnewtodo(todoitem) {   var li = document.createelement("li");   li.setattribute("id",;    var spantodo = document.createelement("span");   spantodo.innerhtml =     todoitem.who + " needs " + todoitem.task + " " +         todoitem.duedate + " @ lat: " + + "  & lon: " +         todoitem.lon + "task has " + todoitem.days + " days until due";     var spandone = document.createelement("span");     if (!todoitem.done) {      spandone.setattribute("class", "notdone");      spandone.innerhtml = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";     }      else {       spandone.setattribute("class", "done");       spandone.innerhtml = "&nbsp;&#10004;&nbsp;";     }  // add click handler update done state   spandone.onclick = updatedone;  // add delete link   var spandelete = document.createelement("span");   spandelete.setattribute("class", "delete");   spandelete.innerhtml = "&nbsp;&#10007;&nbsp;";  // add click handler delete   spandelete.onclick = deleteitem;    li.appendchild(spandone);   li.appendchild(spantodo);   li.appendchild(spandelete);    return li; }  function getformdata() {   var task = document.getelementbyid("task").value;    if (checkinputtext(task, "please enter task")) return;     var = document.getelementbyid("who").value;    if (checkinputtext(who, "please enter person task"))        return;     var date = document.getelementbyid("duedate").value;     if (checkinputtext(date, "please enter due date")) return;  // later, process date here //send date input checkdate function, validate correct format  //and return value how many days until due or how many days overdue.  checkdate(date);    var numofdays;    calculatedays(date);     var id = (new date()).gettime();  //the findlocation function call either l14o2geolocation.js or  //the l14o2nogeolocation.js files, using modernizr.js file check  //to see if geolocation enabled, if display map //item done , if not return message no geolocation  //enbled.  //var lat; //var lon;  findlocation(lat, lon);    console.log("return lat , long! " + lat + ", " + lon);    var todoitem = new todo(id, task, who, date, lat, lon);   todos.push(todoitem);   addtodotopage(todoitem);   savetodoitem(todoitem);  // hide search results   hidesearchresults(); }  function checkinputtext(value, msg) {   if (value == null || value == "") {     alert(msg);     return true;   }   return false; }  //move function l14o2localstorage.js ,  //14o2nolocalstorage.js files. //function savetodoitem(todoitem) { //    if (localstorage) { //        var key = "todo" +; //        var item = json.stringify(todoitem); //        localstorage.setitem(key, item); //    } //    else { //        console.log("error: don't have localstorage!"); //    } //}  function updatedone(e) {  var span =;  var id =;  var item;   (var = 0; < todos.length; i++) {     if (todos[i].id == id) {         item = todos[i];         break;     }  }  if (item.done == false) {     item.done = true;     span.setattribute("class", "done");     span.innerhtml = "&nbsp;&#10004;&nbsp;";  }  else if (item.done == true) {     item.done = false;     span.setattribute("class", "notdone");     span.innerhtml = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";  }   var itemjson = json.stringify(item);   var key = "todo" + id;   localstorage.setitem(key, itemjson); }  function deleteitem(e) {   var span =;   var id =;    // find , remove item in localstorage   var key = "todo" + id;   localstorage.removeitem(key);    // find , remove item in array   (var = 0; < todos.length; i++) {     if (todos[i].id == id) {         todos.splice(i, 1);         break;     }   }  // find , remove item in page   var li =;   var ul = document.getelementbyid("todolist");   ul.removechild(li);  //clear map page   var map = document.getelementbyid("map");   map.innerhtml = "";  // hide search results   hidesearchresults(); }  // search  function searchtodos() {   // new search, clear previous results   clearsearchresultslist();   // text search   var searchterm = document.getelementbyid("searchterm").value;   var count = 0;   // check todos in list   (var = 0; < todos.length; i++) {     var todoitem = todos[i];     // make regular expression match search term, regardless of      //case     var re = new regexp(searchterm, "i");     // try matching expression task ,      //do item     if (todoitem.task.match(re) || todoitem.who.match(re)) {         // if find match, add item search results         addsearchresulttopage(todoitem);         // keep count of number of items match         count++;     }   }   // if don't match items, display "no results"    if (count == 0) {       var ul = document.getelementbyid("searchresultslist");       var li = document.createelement("li");       li.innerhtml = "no results!";       ul.appendchild(li);   }   // show search results   showsearchresults(); }  // add search result search results list in page function addsearchresulttopage(todoitem) {   var ul = document.getelementbyid("searchresultslist");   var li = document.createelement("li");   li.innerhtml =     todoitem.who + " needs " + todoitem.task + " " +         todoitem.duedate;   ul.appendchild(li); }  // clear previous search results  function clearsearchresultslist() {   var ul = document.getelementbyid("searchresultslist");   while (ul.firstchild) {     ul.removechild(ul.firstchild);   } }  function hidesearchresults() {   var div = document.getelementbyid("searchresults"); = "none";   clearsearchresultslist(); }  function showsearchresults() {   var div = document.getelementbyid("searchresults"); = "block";   document.forms[0].reset(); }   function checkdate(date) {   if (isvaliddate(date) == false) {   return false;   }   console.log(date + " valid date");      return true; }  function isvaliddate(date) { // checks following valid date format of mm/dd/yyyy // mm/dd/yyyy , yyyy/mm/dd    var regex1 = /^(\d{2,2})(\/)(\d{2,2})\2(\d{4}|\d{4})$/;  // var regex2 = /^(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{4})$/;  //if (date != "" && date.match(regex1) && date.match(regex2) )  if (date != "" && date.match(regex1)) {   alert("invalid date format: " + date);   return false;  }  return true;   }  //function calculate number of days until item either due //or overdue. function calculatedays(date) {  var today = new date();  var d1 = today.gettime();  var datein = new date(date);  var d2 = datein.gettime();  var year = today.getfullyear();  var month = today.getmonth()+1;  var day = today.getdate();  var time = today.gettime();   var total = parseint((d1-d2)/(24*3600*1000));  console.log("total: " + total);   return total;  } 

the geolocation javascript file:

 //if geolocation found modernizr map item   //to completed displayed in mapdiv on page.  function findlocation(lat, lon) {   console.log("in geolocation");   navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(displaylocation);  }  function displaylocation(position) {   var map = null;    latitude = position.coords.latitude;   longitude = position.coords.longitude;    lat = latitude;   lon = longitude;    console.log("lat: " + lat + " lon: " + lon);    if (!map) {     showmap(latitude, longitude);   }    addmarker(latitude, longitude);   return(lat, lon);  }  function showmap(lat, long) {   var googlelatlong = new google.maps.latlng(lat, long);   var mapoptions = {     zoom: 12,     center: googlelatlong,     maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap  };   var mapdiv = document.getelementbyid("map");   map = new, mapoptions);   map.panto(googlelatlong); }  function addmarker(lat, long) {   var googlelatlong = new google.maps.latlng(lat, long);   var markeroptions = {     position: googlelatlong,     map: map,     title: "task location"  }  var marker = new google.maps.marker(markeroptions); } 

nogeolocation javascript file:

//if geolocation not found modernizr message displayed  //in console , on page showing geolocation not enabled. function findlocation() {   var mapdiv = document.getelementbyid("map");   mapdiv.innerhtml = "geolocation not enabled on browser.";   console.log("geolocation not enabled on browser."); } 

localstorage javascript file:

//if localstorage found modernizr item stored in  //localstorage , message displayed in console. function savetodoitem(todoitem) {   var key = "todo" +;   var item = json.stringify(todoitem);   localstorage.setitem(key, item);   console.log("item: " + key + ", " + item + " stored in local storage"); } 

nolocalstorage javascript file:

//if localstorage found modernizr item stored in  //localstorage , message displayed in console. function savetodoitem(todoitem) {   var key = "todo" +;   var item = json.stringify(todoitem);   localstorage.setitem(key, item);   console.log("item: " + key + ", " + item + " stored in local storage"); } 

first, need remove code findlocation() todo javascript file. call findlocation() in getformdata function.

your createnewtodo() code should start with:

function createnewtodo(todoitem) {     var li = document.createelement("li");     li.setattribute("id",;     var spantodo = document.createelement("span");     var daysuntildue = calcdaysleft(todoitem.duedate);     spantodo.innerhtml = calltodostr(todoitem, daysuntildue); } 

finally, should have code in find geolocation file:

function calltodostr(todoitem, daysuntildue) {     var todostr = "(" + todoitem.latitude + ", " + todoitem.longitude                   + ") " + todoitem.who + " needs " + todoitem.task                   + " " + todoitem.duedate + "  " + daysuntildue;     return todostr; } 


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