python - Displaying both ViewSets and GenericAPIViews in the Django REST framework API Root documentation -

this question has answer here:


class fooviewset(viewsets.readonlymodelviewset):     queryset = foo.objects.filter(state=2)     serializer_class = fooserializer  class barviewset(viewsets.readonlymodelviewset):     queryset = bar.objects.filter(state=2)     serializer_class = barserializer  class bazviewlist(generics.listapiview):     queryset = baz.objects.all()     authentication_classes = (tokenauthentication,)     permission_classes = (isauthenticated,)     serializer_class = bazserializer  def list(self, request):     queryset = baz.objects.all()     serializer = bazserializer(queryset, many=true)     return response( 


from django.conf.urls import include django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url rest_framework import routers rest_framework.authtoken import views vs  router = routers.defaultrouter() router.register(r'foo', views.fooviewset) router.register(r'bar', views.barviewset) #router.register(r'baz', views.bazviewlist)  urlpatterns = patterns('app.restapi.views',     url(r'^v1/baz/', bazviewlist.as_view(), name='baz_view_list'),     url(r'^v1/', include(router.urls)),     url(r'^v1/api-token-auth/', vs.obtain_auth_token)) 

now, way if browse v1/ endpoint (which should provide documentation), api root lists foo , bar, not baz:

api root /api/rest/v1/ http 200 ok content-type: application/json vary: accept allow: get, head, options  {     "foo": "http://localhost:8000/api/rest/v1/foo/",     "bar": "http://localhost:8000/api/rest/v1/bar/" } 

the easiest way fix change bazviewlist bazviewset inherits rest_framework.mixins.listmodelmixin , rest_framework.viewsets.genericviewset:

from rest_framework import viewsets, mixins  class bazviewset(mixins.listmodelmixin, viewsets.genericviewset):    ... 

this set internal plumbing bazviewset can registered router , magic of router take care of urls you.


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