Autohotkey: Get debugging window (floating mode) of PhpStorm? -
woraround autohotkey (scripting language in windows, here win7). how debugging window (floating mode) of phpstorm again? once switch in floating mode (phpstorm version 9) window no longer visible , non-existent (titles , class names known me load attempt autohotkey). debugging window seems not exist (says autohotkey). here code i've been trying find window:
detecthiddenwindows,on settitlematchmode , 1 ;~ if(winexist("ahk_class" . classname)) ; w=sl5_preg_contentfinder ; woks w=debug if(winexist(w)) ; case insensitive { wingettitle , title, %w% wingetclass,class,a msgbox,yeah `n found: `n %class% = class `n %title% = title `n %debug_ahk_class% = debug_ahk_class }
btw produced video of problem , if need more information. please let me know! thanks!
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