amazon web services - AWS EC2 with PHP SDK - wait until instance has Public DNS Name -
i want create ec2 instance, , use "waiter" functionality wait until instance has public dns name - possible?
here code:
$ec2 = new aws\ec2\ec2client([credentials]); $result = $ec2->runinstances(array( 'dryrun' => false, // imageid required 'imageid' => '[removed]', // mincount required 'mincount' => 1, // maxcount required 'maxcount' => 1, 'keyname' => '[removed]', 'securitygroupids' => array('[removed]'), 'instancetype' => 'r3.4xlarge', 'placement' => array( 'availabilityzone' => 'us-east-1a', ), 'ebsoptimized' => false, 'monitoring' => array( // enabled required 'enabled' => true, ), )); $arr = $result->toarray(); $instanceid = $arr['instances'][0]['instanceid']; echo 'created instance '.$instanceid."\n"; $ec2->waituntil('instancerunning', ['instanceids' => array($instanceid)]); $result = $ec2->describeinstances(array( 'instanceids' => array($instanceid), )); $dnsname = current($result->getpath('reservations/*/instances/*/publicdnsname'));
the instance created fine last line fails, because instance not have public dns name because instance considered 'running' before has dns name. there waiter can use wait until has dns name?
here waiters:
there no waiter function public dns name. 2 options can think of:
1.) use sleep
or sort of while loop / sleep
method until can publicdnsname
. kind of hacky , blocks thread.
2.) more elegant way make whole thing asynchronous using queuing, or php implementation of asynchronous.
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