java - Why doesnt my program print the data it receives instead of the address? -
i have created java program 2 classes. 1 class(main) contains array of data passed second class(planning). second class(planning) uses array assign values variables 'input , output'. code looks this:
//// import java.util.arraylist public class main{ public enum state{a, d, h}; planning plan = new planning[]{ new plan(new state[]{state.a,state.a,state.a,state.a}, new state[]{state.d,state.a,state.a,state.d,state.a,state.a})}
the other class looks this:
public class planning { main.state[] input; main.state[] output; planning(main.state[] input,main.state[] output){ this.input = input; this.output = output; system.out.println("the state " + input); }
however when printout 'input @ end' displays
i want display array passed main function. kindly tell me how can achieve this?
maybe try use system.out.println("the state " + arrays.tostring(input));
because printing input equivalent printing input.tostring(); , print memory address of array.
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