jsf 2 - Getting attribute of repeated control from JSF managed bean -
i'm using jsf + primefaces on websphere trying create stickies-like app.
i have hard time getting attributes (style position in case) repeated controls, when using ondrop listener. here code:
<h:form id="mainform"> <p:datalist id="restpanel" styleclass="restrictpanel" var="note" value="#{publicboard.getnotes()}" columns="1" type="none"> <p:panel id="note" header="#{note.title}" styleclass="smallnote" style="#{publicboard.getnotestyle(note)}"> <h:outputtext value="#{note.description}" /> </p:panel> <p:draggable for="note" containment="parent" opacity="0.3" /> </p:datalist> <p:droppable for="mainform" datasource="restpanel"> <p:ajax process="@form" listener="#{publicboard.ondrop}" /> </p:droppable> </h:form>
public void ondrop(dragdropevent ddevent) { note obj = (note) ddevent.getdata(); system.out.println("note id:" + obj.getid()); system.out.println(ddevent.getdragid()); uiviewroot viewroot = facescontext.getcurrentinstance().getviewroot(); uicomponent component = viewroot.findcomponent(ddevent.getdragid()); if(component!=null){ system.out.println(component.getid()); }else{ system.out.println("null component"); } }
[22.07.15 14:27:16:094 cest] 000000c8 systemout o note id:4 [22.07.15 14:27:16:094 cest] 000000c8 systemout o mainform:restpanel:3:note [22.07.15 14:27:16:094 cest] 000000c8 systemout o null component
any appreciated!
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