xml - what is the purpose of #[message.payloadAs(java.lang.String)] in mule esb -
what purpose of #[message.payloadas(java.lang.string)] in mule esb??
can 1 explain me example. when getting response webservice mule esb. when placed simple logger #[payload] able see simple hashcode in logs @1b8353(but not payload message xml). when logged using #[message.payloadas(java.lang.string)] able see payload xml being logged clearly. can explain purpose ??
please comment further clarification!!!!
try , transform payload given desired class. in case string.
whereas logging payload
log whatever current payload representation is.
the method payloadas(class<t> outputtype)
on message context class in turn calls mulemessage.getpayloadas(class<t> outputtype)
will attempt obtain payload of message desired class type. try , resolve transformer can transformation. if transformer cannot found exception thrown. transformers added registry checked compatibility parameters: outputtype - desired return type returns: converted payload of message. note method not alter payload of message unless payload inputstream in case stream read , payload become read stream. throws: transformerexception - if transformer cannot found or there error during transformation of payload
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