javascript - How to get correct div height on ie8 -

here code works fine on browsers ie8 not working correctly.i have tried things still have problem.sorry bad english hope understand.

summary : need correct div height on ie8.

$(window).load(function () {     /*orta alan kaydırma*/     $("#content-container").height($(".content-left").outerheight());     $(window).scroll(function () {         $(".content-left>#content-inline").animate({             top: -($(window).scrolltop())         }, 1);         if ($(window).scrolltop() > 1) {             $(".make-fixed-white").css("border-bottom-color", "#f2f2f2");         } else {             $(".make-fixed-white").css("border-bottom-color", "transparent");         }         if ($(".letter").length) {             if ($(window).scrolltop() > $(".letter").offset().top - 100) {                  $(".letter ul").addclass("make-fixed-white");              } else {                 $(".letter ul").removeclass("make-fixed-white");             }         }     });     /*tablo kaydırma*/     $(window).scroll(function () {         $(".table-slide").animate({             top: -($(window).scrolltop())         }, 1);      }); }); /***************************************************/ 


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