java - Hibernate - fetch data from multple tables using many to one annotation -
i have 3 tables like:
carid|carname|carprice| 100|bmw|10l| 200|honda|5l| .. ..
cartypeid|type| 1|suv| 2|xuv| 3|sedan|
carid|cartypeid| 100|3| 200|3|
and have entities 3 tables.
below have pasted code joining table carconfig:
@entity @table(name = "carconfig", uniqueconstraints = { @uniqueconstraint(columnnames = { "carid" } ) }) public class carconfig { @id long carid; @onetoone @joincolumn(name = "carid", insertable = false, updatable = false) car car; @manytoone(optional = false) @joincolumn(name = "cartypeid") cartype cartype; public carconfig() { super(); } public carconfig(long carid, cartype cartype) { super(); this.cartype = cartype; this.carid = carid; } public car getcar() { return car; } public void setcar(car car) { = car; } public cartype getcartype() { return cartype; } public void setcartype(cartype cartype) { this.cartype = cartype; } public long getcarid() { return carid; } public void setcarid(long carid) { this.carid = carid; } }
my problem :
i want know how can data both tables car , cartype , write csv.
below code data.
public string downloadcars(carform form, model model,httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response)throws ioexception { printwriter pw = null; try { logger.debug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"); response.setcontenttype("application/"); response.setheader("content-disposition","attachment; filename=car" + ".csv"); response.setheader("expires", "0"); response.setheader("cache-control","must-revalidate, post-csheck=0, pre-check=0"); response.setheader("pragma", "public"); pw = response.getwriter(); // get, write , flush data. pw.println(" id,name,price,type"); list<car> carfromdb = collections.emptylist(); (car car : carfromdb) { pw.println(string.format("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", // need } pw.flush(); } catch (exception ex) { logger.error("error while downloading car", ex); model.addattribute("failuremsg","error while downloading cars"); } return null; }
you can using hql join query, this:
list<object[]> carswithdetails = session.createquery( "select distinct car.carid, car.carname, car.carprice, cartype.type " + "from car car join car.cartype cartype ") .list();
then iterate through list
of object[]
array extract car details using iterator
iterator<object[]> = carswithdetails.iterator(); while(it.hasnext()){ object[] car = (object[]); system.out.println("car details: "); system.out.println("id: "+car[0]); system.out.println("name: "+car[1]); system.out.println("price: "+car[2]); system.out.println("type: "+car[3]); }
and of course change loop fit needs, add code write csv
instead of system.out.println
it replace loop:
for (car car : carfromdb) { pw.println(string.format("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", // need }
if join 3 tables need add join reference join car.carconfig carconfig
to query, this:
list<object[]> carswithdetails = session.createquery( "select distinct car.carid, car.carname, car.carprice, cartype.type " + "from car car join car.cartype cartype join car.carconfig carconfig") .list();
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